What Is Back To The Basics Coaching?

Our goal is to help you and your team get back to the basics and build from there.

Back To The Basics comes from the idea that as business owners we started at the beginning and grow our company from there. Often times we get away from the systems and processes that we had at the start, but it is those systems and processes that helped us gain the success that we have. If you are just starting out, having the proper systems and processes in place will help you grow in a way that is exponential. At BTTB Coaching, we have four foundational principals that every company needs to establish in order to run at maximum efficiency.

1. Having the Right members on the Team and in the proper Roles on the Team.
2. Evaluating the Financial Status of the company and ensuring that the Cash is coming and going properly.
3. Identifying the Sales Process and setting up proper metrics (Leading Indicators) that can be measured and verified.
4. Identifying the Levers and Knobs that can be pulled, pushed, twisted and turned to refine the operations of the business.

At BTTB Coaching, our style is simple. We work with our clients to identify the strategy that they need to be able to be as successful in business as they would like to be.  Some of our clients want to work less in the day to day in order to have a better work life balance. Some of our clients want to grow the company, both bottom and top line in order to achieve a certain financial goal, or to be desirable to sell. And some of our clients want to be able to build a company that will afford them the opportunity to leave a legacy for their team members and their families. No matter what your desire is, coaching is always a good opportunity to look inside and see if there are things that can be improved on in order to be a better company. As the saying goes, sometimes we cannot see the forrest through the trees, and having an outside perspective will help your team get Back To The Basics.

What we are best at

Our Services

Coaching is the best way to have a regular look into the systems and processes that you have in your company and help you refine what you have and establish new ways to gain success. With our systematic processes, you will be able to help your internal team and your clients be as successful as can be.
It starts with the vision. As entrepreneurs we all have a vision of what we want for and from our company. By establishing that vision and sharing with your team, you have the ability to delegate, create accountability and reach further than you could every have imagined. By using well established methods, a clear strategy give your team the accountability that they yearn for all while creating measurable targets for them to achieve. Our Strategy sessions can be independent of our coaching, however, the majority of our clients start with strategy and move right into a coaching program.
There are often times that a situation arises and it is an acute situation that needs to be addressed.  Whether it is a new customer opportunity that requires consultation to get up and running, a team disfunction that needs to be corrected, or possibly a negative situation that is impacting the operation of the company. BTTB Coaching is geared to get in with the surgical tools required to help problem solve and create a map towards success.