
Our world-class team

Kyle McClelland
Founder and Head Coach
Kyle McClelland graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a Bachelors in Management of Information Systems. In the height of the recession, it was either find a position in his field, or he offered to purchase the company that he was working for, Have Lights Will Travel from the current owner. In 2017 Kyle became 100% owner of Have Lights Will Travel. Kyle says, "I have learned more from being in business and dealing in the real world than any book could ever teach me. It was the schooling that gave me the understanding of how to think and make decisions based on information, but it is the interaction with customers, vendors and employees that really gives me the ability to learn on a daily basis."

As an active member of the Entrepreneurs Organization, Kyle has had many opportunities to learn and grow in his field and his knowledge as a business owner.  In 2019, after a year of 60% growth, Kyle decided to take his understanding of business and help a handful of other entrepreneurs with what he knew. By using the coaching methods that he had established, he has helped business owners in a variety of industries get "Back To The Basics" and establish a baseline for growth and success in their fields. By understanding the systems and processes required to build or grow a business, Kyle has helped his clients increase sales, reduce costs, and set up a team of employees that help business owners work "on" their business rather than "in" their business.

A father of 4, Kyle loves spending time with his children and helping them to grow up into productive members of society. Kyle is a firm believer in God and has a belief that we should all leave everything and everyone better than we found them. Kyle also is an avid reader and owns a mobile bookstore with his wife in the Northern Nevada area. And last but not least, Baseball is a way of life and Kyle is a die hard Atlanta Braves fan.